In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products ??
I have used certain conventions of a real magazine such as i have given my magazine a music connotation; School of Sound this is the name i chose for my magazine i used this because firstly it shows an obvious target audience as it refers to the word School, but i have also referred the title of my magazine with a word relation by using the word sound this relates to music. I went through a process when creating my title by deciding what colour i wanted on what background and also the font i used. This was developed through the help of audience feedback and addition to the idea they liked best.
I also decided to follow in the ideas of a real magazine by also making a front cover that looked professional, went with my magazine type; the background picture is of friends posing as pretend celebs.I made the picture black and white.
I looked at the music magazine
Kerrang this gave me most of my inspiration as its a popular magazine that is aimed at the same genre audience. I used the same design ideas but changed them into my own magazine so it suited and looked professional, i used ideas such as cover lines, page banner, Price and quotes. this helped the me in my own magazine has i was able to be creative with my ideas but then also research if i got stuck, i also got a lot of final ideas thanks to audience response on my page this helped as i feel they made some decisions i may have found difficult. I finally ended up with a good front cover, contents and double page spread after researching other magazines, audience help and also my own ideas. i feel i also used a very useful colour scheme for my pages as they where eye catching and interesting to look at.
How does your media product represent particular social groups ??
My media product is aimed at mostly the teenage group from the age of 14-19, i have also selected a certain group that will enjoy indie,R&B and rock music, this relates to not only the music that they listen to but also the clothes style they may have. I have decided to show this through the large pictures of my prosing celeb indie band. I have also tried to present this through the text i have used and the bands i have included.
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why ? -- what magazine are like yours- gap in market ?
My magazine might be disturbed my rival music magazines such as
Kerrang and Q, this is because they have a similar target audience and are already popular well known music magazine, i feel that they may large rivals but my magazine covers a larger area of music as it my interest more than one type of styled audience, also i feel i may attract more of an audience due to the content as it would be more related to a teenagers mind; in compression to
Kerrang the magazine is aimed more at a wider audience which may reduce the amount of people interested as the magazine isn't very specific .
who would be the audience for your media product?
My audience is aimed at the 14-19 aged audience i feel this is a good audience as they are interest in music at that age and also like to know all the new news on their favourite bands and solo artists, my magazine is aimed mostly at the male gender but may also attract the female sex because of the large variety of content; i have tried to cover allot of areas. There general profile will be into the music especially indie but also like news, have a good idea of what they want and also are popular or get along with people. I have looked for the average profile as it is the largest
group that builds society.
What have you learnt about technologies from the progress of constructing this product ?
In this final music magazine task, i used a lot of different technologies to help construct it professionally firstly i used publisher to help develop and post my ideas onto my blog and to also create my front cover, contents page and double page spread, this was a useful programme as it is easy to work and has an effective finish. I published my ideas onto a blog on a sight called Blogger, this site helped me publish and show each development and stage i went through to create my magazine and what things i kept or changed. I found this sight was useful as it is easy to post your work and to edit it if you have gone wrong or want to change it but i feel it could be better by making it easier to post pictures.
I used a development programme after using the digital camera to take the pictures of my celebs called Microsoft Office Picture Manager this sight was really helpful as it was easy to use and made the pictures have a nice effective professional effect. This was useful as i was able to create a certain style in my pictures to attract a certain audience.
I have learnt that certain programmes such as they ones i have used are better and more effective to create a music magazine with for example Publisher was a much easier and more impressive programme than Word, i have learnt how to use the programme effectively to influence way work in a positive way. Finally i have also learnt how to create a professional looking blog which other way get inspiration or ideas from.

Look back at your preliminary task, what do your feel you have learn in the progression from it to the full product ??
(preliminary magazine first, final task underneath)

As you can tell in the pictures of the two front covers that i created in the preliminary and the final task have a large difference. Firstly i learnt how to make the magazine have a more of a professional more realistic, buy able effect on the reader. I also feel i used a lot more aspects of a normal music magazine in the correct way for example i feel i used a overall better design such as the font and colour scheme as well as the page layout. I feel the progression from the first task was helpful as i was able to see what aspects of the magazine didn't work and was able to correct them in this one and also use some of the objects learned from the first task to roll over onto this one. I feel the main object i tried to capture was to make the magazine interesting and eye catching so that people would be interested to purchase my magazine over other competitors. I feel that this is important because a lot of the public will buy a magazine based on the first impression. To help influence my work and final magazine i used audience feedback on my blog to see which they would prefer to see which looks into the
interest est of the buyer, this was helpful as it helped me get a better idea of what the audience want from a magazine and expect to see.